Most Popular Classical Music

September 3, 2012
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Clas­si­cal music has been around for hun­dreds of years and used in film and tele­vi­sion since the begin­ning of the indus­try.  And while it has been around in some cas­es cen­turies, there could be a case made that film and tele­vi­sion have kept them around and iden­ti­fi­able to new gen­er­a­tions.  Some of the themes are so rec­og­niz­able, and mere­ly a cat­a­lyst for re-emerg­ing emo­tions for its lis­ten­er, even if they can not put their fin­ger on the exact title of the work.

Even though it may take a lit­tle time to fig­ure out the spe­cif­ic work, some com­posers have such a dis­tinct brand which can dra­mat­i­cal­ly enhance the sto­ry and even fore­shad­ow events like Han­del, Mahler, Bach, Puc­ci­ni, Vival­di, Beethoven, Bar­ber, Wag­n­er, and more.  Choos­ing the right com­pos­er can be half the bat­tle.  Nav­i­gat­ing through this sea of great music can be over­whelm­ing, so where can we start?

While many of the works do fall in the pub­lic domain cat­e­go­ry, clas­si­cal music can be sub­ject to a jun­gle of copy­right restric­tions.  After all, it’s not just the work, but the record­ing that needs to be cleared.  And get­ting a good record­ing and per­for­mance is essential!

We have put togeth­er a short list of movies, using clas­si­cal music in spe­cif­ic scenes.  All of these tracks (and much more) are avail­able on our web­site, fea­ture high qual­i­ty record­ings, great per­for­mances, and are pre-cleared.  To access our list of the most pop­u­lar clas­si­cal music used in film and tv, go HERE.  You will get instant access to all of the great works list­ed below!

Ace Ven­tu­ra Pet Detec­tive Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 9
The Age of Inno­cence Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 2nd mvt., Amadeus Mozart: Gran Par­ti­ta, Ada­gio, Mozart: Piano Con­cer­to No. 20, 2nd mvt, Mozart: Requiem , Mozart: Sym­pho­ny No. 25, Mozart: Sym­pho­ny No. 29
Amer­i­can Gigo­lo Mozart: Clar­inet Con­cer­to, 2nd mvt.
The Amer­i­can Pres­i­dent Bach: Bran­den­burg Con­cer­to No. 5, 1st mvt.
Anna Chopin: Waltz, Op. 69 No. 1
Anniver­sary Par­ty Bach: Ada­gio from Vio­lin Sonata No. 1
Anoth­er Woman Bach: Cel­lo Suite No. 6, Satie: Gymnopédie No. 3
Antonia´s Line Bach: Cel­lo Suite No. 1, 1st mvt.
Apt Pupil Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 9
Arthur Chopin: Waltz Op. 64, No. 2
The Asso­ciate Mozart: Piano Con­cer­to No. 25
At First Sight Satie: Gymnopédie No. 1
Austin Pow­ers in Gold­mem­ber Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 5
Autumn Sonata Bach: Sara­bande from Cel­lo Suite No. 4, Chopin: Pre­lude, Op. 2 No. 2
Avengers Chopin: Waltz Op. 64, No. 2
Bad San­ta Chopin: Noc­turne No. 2 in E flat major, Op. 9 No. 2
Barfly Mozart: Sym­pho­ny No. 25
Bar­ry Lyn­don Schu­bert: Piano Trio No. 2, 2nd mvt.
Bat­man Mozart: Eine kleine Nachtmusik
Before Sun­rise Bach: Gold­berg Vari­a­tions, Vari­a­tion 25, Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.  3rd mvt.
Bend it Like Beck­ham Puc­ci­ni: Nes­sun dor­ma from Turandot
Beyond Bed­lam Fau­ré Requiem — Lib­era me
Beyond Utopia Bach: Orches­tral Suite No. 3
The Big Lebows­ki Mozart: Requiem
Bill and Ted´s Excel­lent Adven­ture Beethoven: Für Elise
Black­ball Mozart: Eine kleine Nacht­musik, Mozart: Horn Con­cer­to No. 4
Blood­sport 3 Debussy: Clair de lune
Blue Lagoon Chopin: Noc­turne Op. 9, No. 2
Bon­fire of the Van­i­ties Mozart: Eine kleine Nachtmusik
Box­ing Hele­na Bach: Bran­den­burg Con­cer­to No. 3
Boy Meets Girl Puc­ci­ni: Nes­sun dor­ma from Turandot
The Break­fast Club Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 5
Break­ing the Waves Bach: Flute Sonata BWV 1031
Breath­less Mozart: Clar­inet Concerto
A Bridge Too Far Bach: Bran­den­burg Con­cer­to No. 6
Casi­no Bach: Wir set­zen uns… , from St. Matthew Pas­sion, Debussy: Clair de lune
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 5
Celebri­ty Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 5, 1st mvt.
Charlie´s Angels — Full Throt­tle Mozart: Eine kleine Nachtmusik
Chil­dren of a Less­er God Bach: Con­cer­to for 2 vio­lins in D Minor, 2nd mvt.
A Clock­work Orange Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 9, 4th mvt. , Pur­cell: March, from Funer­al Music for Queen Mary
Colonel Chabert Mozart: Clar­inet Trio, 3rd mvt. , Liszt: Liebe­straum No. 3
Con­fes­sions of a Dan­ger­ous Mind Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.  “Path­tique”
Copy­cat Fau­ré In Par­adis­um, from Requiem
Corin­na, Corin­na Satie: Gymnopédie No. 1 , Mozart: Flute and Harp Concerto
The Cow­boy Way Mozart: Eine kleine Nachtmusik
Cries and Whis­pers Bach: Cel­lo Suite No. 5, Sara­bande , Chopin: Mazur­ka, Op. 17, No.4
Crimes and Mis­de­meanours Bach: Eng­lish Suite No. 2
Crime of Padre Armano Beethoven: Piano Con­cer­to No. 5
Crim­son Tide Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.14 , Schu­bert: Piano Trio No. 2
Cru­el Inten­tions Bach: Bran­den­burg Con­cer­to No. 4 , Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 9, 4th mvt.
Dad­dy Day Care Mozart: Eine kleine Nacht­musik , Beethoven: String Quar­tet Op. 1
Dan­ger­ous Liaisons Bach: Con­cer­to for 4 Harpsichords
Dark Eyes Mozart: Piano Sonata No. 17 K 570
The Dead Poets Soci­ety Beethoven: Piano Con­cer­to No. 5, 2nd mvt. , Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 9, 4th mvt.
Death in Venice Beethoven: Für Elise
The Devil´s Advo­cate Bach: Air, from Suite No. 3
Die Hard Bach: Bran­den­burg Con­cer­to No. 3, 1st mvt. , Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 9
Le Divorce Chopin: Impromp­tu No. 3
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Bach: Ich ruf zu dir, from Orgel­büch­lein , Bach: Toc­ca­ta and Fugue in D Minor
Dys­funk­tion­al Fam­i­ly Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 5
E la nave va Debussy: Clair de lune
Eliz­a­beth Mozart: Requiem aeter­nam from Requiem
Elvi­ra Madi­gan Mozart: Piano Con­cer­to No. 21, 2nd mvt.
Empire of the Sun Chopin: Mazur­ka No. 13, Op. 17, No. 4
The Eng­lish Patient Bach: Aria, from Gold­berg Vari­a­tions BWV 9
Entrap­ment Bach: Pre­lude No. 1, from The Well-Tem­pered Clavier, Book 1
Exit to Eden Vival­di: Autumn, from Four Sea­sons , Vival­di: Con­cer­to for Two Trumpets
Exot­i­ca Schu­bert: Impromp­tu Op. 90, No. 4
Exposed Bach: Courante, from Par­ti­ta No. 4
Eye for an Eye Mozart: Clar­inet Con­cer­to, Mozart: Requiem, Rex tremen­dae majestatis
Face/Off Chopin: Pre­lude No. 15, “Rain­drop”
Fame Mozart: Horn Con­cer­to No. 3
Fan­ny and Alexan­der Chopin: Marche funèbre (orches­tral), Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 6
Father of the Bride Bach: Min­uet & Badiner­ie from Orches­tral Suite No. 2
Fear­less Beethoven: Für Elise, Beethoven: Piano Con­cer­to No. 5, 3rd mvt.
Five Easy Pieces Chopin: Pre­lude Op. 2 No.4, 1st Mvt.
Flub­ber Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desir­ing, Vival­di: Spring from The Four Sea­sons, Chopin: Scher­zo No. 2, Chopin: Bar­carolle, Chopin: Pre­lude No.16
Frances Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 7, 2nd mvt., Mozart: Piano Sonata No. 11, 1st mvt.
Frankie and John­ny Debussy: Clair de lune
The French Lieutenant´s Woman Mozart: Piano Sonata No. 15, 2nd mvt.
The Game Debussy: Clair de lune
Gat­ta­ca Schu­bert: Impromp­tu Op. 90, No. 3
A Gentleman´s Game Mozart: Eine kleine Nacht­musik, Mozart: Eine kleine Nacht­musik, 3rd mvt.
Ghost in the Machine Mozart: Flute and Harp Concerto
Green Card Mozart: Clar­inet Con­cer­to, 2nd mvt., Mozart: Flute Con­cer­to No. 1, Mozart: Flute & Harp Concerto
Grem­lins II: The New Batch Bach: Toc­ca­ta and Fugue in D minor
Gross Anato­my Mozart: Flute Quar­tet No. 4
Grumpy Old Men Mozart: String Quar­tet No. 14
Hard Tar­get Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 23, 3rd mvt.
Hilary and Jack­ie Bach: Cel­lo Suite No. 1, Pre­lude & Gigue, Bach: Cel­lo Suite No. 3, Pre­lude, Bach: Cel­lo Suite No. 6, Gavotte
The Horse Whis­per­er Beethoven: Cel­lo Sonata No. 1
Howards End Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 5, 3rd mvt.
Humoresque Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 5, 3rd mvt., Dvorák:Humoresque
Immor­tal Beloved Beethoven: Für Elise
Beethoven: Piano Sonatas No., Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 5, 1st mvt., Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 6, 1st mvt., Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 7, 1st mvt., Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 9, 1st mvt., Beethoven: Vio­lin Con­cer­to, 1st mvt.
Incred­i­ble True Sto­ry of Two Girls in Love Mozart: Dies irae, from Requiem, Mozart: Piano Con­cer­to No. 21, mvt 2, J´embrasse pas Bach: Cel­lo Suite No. 1, 1st mvt.
Jesus of Mon­tre­al Per­gole­si: Sta­bat Mater
JFK Mozart: Horn Con­cer­to No. 2, 3rd mvt.
Joueur de vio­lon Bach: Cha­conne, from Par­ti­ta No. 2 for Solo Vio­lin, Beethoven: Vio­lin Sonata No. 9, 2nd mvt., Mozart: String Quar­tet No. 19, 1st mvt.
Joy Luck Club Mozart: Flute and Harp Con­cer­to, 2nd mvt.
A Judge­ment in Stone Mozart: Flute and Harp Concerto
Kali­for­nia Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No.8
Lady L Chopin: Étude, Op. 10 No. 12 ‘Rev­o­lu­tion­ary’, Pre­lude No. 15 ‘Rain­drop’
The Liv­ing Day­lights Mozart: Sym­pho­ny No. 40, 1st mvt., Mozart: Ave verum corpus
The Lost Son Fau­ré Requiem
The Lost World Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.8
Love Potion No. 9 Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 5
Madame Souzats­ka Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 23, 3rd mvt.
The Mag­ic Bow Beethoven: Vio­lin Concerto
Man Trou­ble Bach: Et res­ur­rex­it, from B Minor Mass, Chopin: Noc­turne in E Flat, Op. 9 No. 2
Mar­ius et Jean­nette Vival­di: The Four Seasons
Mau­rice Bach: Gold­berg Vari­a­tions, Mendelssohn: Piano Con­cer­to No.2, 2nd mvt.
Mis­ery Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 14, 1st mvt.
Moll Flan­ders Bach: Air from Orches­tral Suite No. 3, Bach: Bran­den­burg Con­cer­to No. 3, 1st mvt.
A Month in the Coun­try Mendelssohn: Vio­lin Con­cer­to, 2nd mvt.
Moon­rak­er Chopin: Pre­lude, Op. 2
Mr. Hol­land’s Opus Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 7, 2nd mvt.
Mr. Jones Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 9
My Din­ner With André Satie: Gymnopédie No. 1
My Left Foot Schu­bert: Trout Quin­tet, 4th mvt.
Niki­ta Mozart: Eine kleine Nacht­musik, 1st mvt.
Noth­ing Lasts For­ev­er Chopin: Etude Op. 25, No. 11, Chopin: Polon­aise No. 6
One Night Stand Bach: Air, from Suite No. 3
One­gin Beethoven: Mir ist so wun­der­bar from Fidelio
Out of Africa Mozart: Clar­inet Con­cer­to, 2nd mvt.
Par­adise Road Chopin: Funer­al March, from Piano Sonata No. 2
Patch Adams Beethoven: Für Elise
The Peace­mak­er Chopin: Noc­turne in C Sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 1, Chopin: Noc­turne in F minor, Op. 55, No. 1, Mozart: Ave verum corpus
Pic­nic at Hang­ing Rock Beethoven: Piano Con­cer­to No. 5, 2nd mvt.
Pic­ture Per­fect Bach: Jesu blei­bet meine Freude
The Por­trait of a Lady Bach: Piano Con­cer­to No. 5, Bach: Vio­lin Con­cer­to in A minor, Schu­bert: Impromp­tu Op. 90, Nos. 3 & 4, Bach: Vio­lin Con­cer­to No. 1, 2nd mvt., Mozart: Lacry­mosa, from Requiem
Rhap­sody Bach: Toc­ca­ta and Fugue in D Minor
Romy and Michele´s High School Reunion Bach: Bran­den­burg Con­cer­to No. 2, Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.
Rosemary´s Baby Beethoven: Für Elise
Rounders Bach: Bran­den­burg Con­cer­to No. 1, 3rd mvt.
Run­away Bride Bach: Air from Orches­tral Suite No. 3, Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desir­ing, Haydn: Piano Sonata No. 33, Schindler´s List Bach: Eng­lish Suite No. 2, Bourrée
Sev­en Bach: Air, from Orches­tral Suite No. 3
Shine Chopin: Polon­aise No. 6, Chopin: Pre­lude Op. 2, Vival­di: Glo­ria RV 5
The Silence of the Lambs Bach: Gold­berg Variations
Silent Fall Mozart: Piano Con­cer­to No. 21, Mozart: Diver­ti­men­to No. 1, Allegro
A Sim­ple Twist of Fate Bach: Pre­lude, from Cel­lo Suite No. 1
Sin com­pasión Grieg: Death of Aase, from Peer Gynt
The Sixth Sense Schu­bert: Piano Quin­tet Trout, mvt 2
The Slab Boys Fau­ré: Requiem
Slaugh­ter­house 5 Bach: Bran­den­burg Con­cer­to No. 4, Presto
Sneak­ers Chopin: Waltz No. 14
Soli­taire for Two Mozart: Requiem
Sour Grapes Bach: Ada­gio, from Toc­ca­ta, Ada­gio and Fugue, Bach: Toc­ca­ta and Fugue in D minor, Beethoven: String Quar­tet No. 2, Mozart: Horn Con­cer­to, Mozart: String Quintet
Soy­lent Green Beethoven: Sym­pho­ny No. 6
The Spy Who Loved Me Bach: Air, from Suite No. 3
Star Trek: Insur­rec­tion Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.8, Mozart: String Quar­tet No. 17, “Hunt”, 1st mvt.
Sus­pi­cious Minds Chopin: Bal­lade No. 1
2000 Leagues Under the Sea Bach: Toc­ca­ta and Fugue in D Minor
The Tal­ent­ed Mr. Rip­ley Bach: Ital­ian Con­cer­to, mvt 1, Bach: St Matthew Pas­sion, Mache dich, mein Herze, rein, Beethoven: Piano Quin­tet in E flat, mvt 2
The Thin Red Line Fau­ré In par­adis­um, from Requiem
There’s Some­thing About Mary Mozart: Eine kleine Nachtmusik
Three Kings Bach: Mass in B minor, Gloria
Tin Cup Vival­di: Win­ter, from Four Sea­sons, 1st mvt.
Through a Glass Dark­ly Bach: Cel­lo Suite No. 2, Sarabande
To Be Or Not To Be Chopin: Mil­i­tary Polonaise
Tor­rents of Spring Bach: Con­cer­to for 2 Vio­lins in D Minor, 2nd mvt., Chopin: Etude, Op. 10, No. 6, Chopin: Piano Con­cer­to No. 1, 2nd mvt., Mozart: Horn Con­cer­to No. 1, 1st mvt., Mozart: Piano Sonata No. 11, 3rd mvt., Vival­di: Cum sanc­to spir­i­to, from Gloria
Vir­tu­al Sex­u­al­i­ty Mozart: Piano Con­cer­to No. 21
White Nights Bach: Pas­sacaglia in C Minor
William Shakespeare´s Romeo + Juli­et Mozart: Sym­pho­ny No. 25, 1st mvt.

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